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Man, Turning 40 Is Tough! 4 Ways To Stay Healthy And Age Well

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One of the problems with turning 40 is that your metabolism starts to slow down. Not only that, but mid-life can be fraught with some problems, such as weight gain, reduced testosterone levels and depression. Luckily, there are some things you can do to help yourself age well. Here are just four of the steps you can take to stay healthy after 40. Get Active If you’ve settled into a sedentary lifestyle, it’s time to get up and get active.…

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Beginner's Guide To Smoking Medical Marijuana: 3 Tips To Avoid Coughing Fits

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The power of medical marijuana to treat a wide array of illnesses and conditions has led to a powerful movement in America. Currently, amendments have been made in 4 states to allow the use of recreational marijuana, in 19 to allow the use for only medical purposes, and in 14 states to decriminalize the use of medical marijuana. If you’re interested in whether medical marijuana can do wonders for your medical situation, it doesn’t hurt to try.…

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How Hair Changes With Age

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When it comes to aging, you may not think of your hair and how to keep your locks looking lustrous. Just like all of the systems in your body, age plays a key role in how your hair looks and feels. These are the most common hair-aging issues and the reasons they happen. A Loss of Strength Just as muscles can breakdown with age, hair can lose it’s elasticity and become more fragile.…

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Struggling To Lose Weight? 3 Tips To Help You Shed Those Pounds

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It can be very frustrating to work very hard at losing weight and then find you have not lost any when you step on a scale. Don’t give up just yet, as there are things you can do to shed those pounds, three of which are listed below. Get Help Naturally Sometimes you need a little extra help in losing weight. Taking a workout supplement can help you boost your exercise intensity and increase your endurance.…

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