Using A Drug-Free Approach to Treatment

Acupuncture May Help You To Put These Symptoms Of Tourette Syndrome Behind You

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If you have Tourette Syndrome, you may be frustrated with how its symptoms can be challenging to manage. Many people with this condition take medication in order to control their symptoms, but the use of medication can present some side effects that you may not want. If you’re open to trying some different treatment methods, you might find that acupuncture therapy works well for you. This form of treatment can have positive results on those who suffer from Tourette Syndrome, which can significantly improve your quality of life.…

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3 Ways To Treat Gum Disease Naturally

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According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), nearly half of all Americans have gum disease. Also known as periodontal disease, this oral condition can lead to severe complications, including tooth loss. Gum disease has also been associated with other conditions, including heart disease and diabetes. If you are one of the many Americans who struggle with gum disease, there are some noninvasive things you can do to manage, and even reverse this oral health issue.…

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3 Outpatient Physical Therapy Tips For Chronic Pain

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Dealing with chronic pain can take a lot out of you, both mentally and physically. There is help, though, in the form of outpatient physical therapy. This form of healing allows you to take control over your own recovery, and you can be successful with the following tips.  Utilize Activity Trackers  Since outpatient therapy gives you the ability to work on your exercises from home, you’ll need an activity tracker to monitor your progress.…

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