Using A Drug-Free Approach to Treatment

3 Things To Know About Your FSH Level And Infertility

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If you are having trouble getting pregnant, you may want to have your gynecologist test your follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) level. This hormone regulates the way your menstrual cycle works, as well as the way your ovaries produce eggs. If your FSH level is too high, it can indicate problems with your ovaries, which can be the reason you are not able to get pregnant. Here are three things you should understand about your FSH level.…

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2 Questions to Ask before Ever taking Another Vitamin

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If you have found that the vitamins you have found by walking down the aisle of your local grocery or discount store have never had a significant impact on you and your health, the problem is likely to be the type of vitamins or supplements that you use. You will rarely find vitamins that are truly helpful and usable by your body there. Fortunately, you do have other options and it is best to understand what is in your vitamins and how they are prepared, before introducing them into your body.…

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Afraid Of Needles? 2 Ways To Help Make Your HCG Injections More Bearable

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The health benefits of losing weight have been well documented, and many people have come to rely on the HCG diet to achieve rapid results. Through daily injections of human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG), dieters are losing between 15 and 25 pounds per month. These results sound desirable, but if you have a fear of needles then HCG injections might seem like an impossible way to lose weight. Here are two things you can do to help overcome your fear of needles and make HCG injections more bearable as you start your weight-loss journey.…

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