Kratom is an herbal medicine derived from a species of tree native to Asia. It is sometimes used recreationally and for pain relief, but lately, some people have been using it to ease cravings while they recover from addiction to various drugs and alcohol. Here’s what you should know if you’re considering using kratom for this purpose.
How does kratom make you feel?
Kratom interacts with your opiate receptors, and so taking it tends to alleviate pain.…
Generally, people think of CBD as a substance that comes in a pill or in a pre-loaded vaporizer cartridge. However, CBD is just one cannabinoid derived from hemp. If you want to experience CBD in its most natural form, while also enjoying the potential benefits of other non-psychoactive cannabinoids, then you can purchase and smoke some natural hemp flower. This is akin to smoking cannabis, but without THC (the federally illegal substance that makes users feel high).…
Musculoskeletal pain can contribute to the dependence of prescription and over-the-counter medications designed to reduce discomfort. Instead of relying upon medicines, which can be costly and possibly dangerous depending upon a product’s side effects, participate in video conference physical therapy sessions.
How In-Home Physical Therapy Works
Prior to the current pandemic that citizens worldwide are combatting, an individual would typically set up an appointment to meet with a physical therapist at their office.…